Making Extra Great Slides
With xaringan, xaringanthemer, and xaringanExtra
A brief introduction to the {xaringan} package and how you can make your slides look great with {xaringanthemer} and stand out with {xaringanExtra}.
The xaringan package by YiHui Xie lets R users and R Markdown authors easily blend data, text, plots and htmlwidgets into beautiful HTML presentations that look great on the web, in print, and on screens.
In addition to demonstrating how to go from R Markdown to web-based slides with xaringan, in this talk I’ll show you how to completely customize the appearance of your slides with xaringanthemer, a package that lets you quickly create a complete slide theme from only a few color choices.
Then we’ll go beyond appearances with a variety of addins and extensions from the xaringanExtra package, including: a tiled slide overview, editable slides, embedded webcam videos, tabbed panels, extra styles, shareable and embeddable slides, animations, and real time slide broadcasting.
# From GitHub
# install.packages("remotes")
remotes::install_github("gadenbuie/countdown") remotes