Find, count and list tags in all blogdown posts


Garrick Aden-Buie


April 29, 2018

I’ve been using blogdown for a while now and have basically been randomly selecting tags as I write each post without putting too much thought into it. Tonight I was searching for a method to list all of the tags I’ve used across my blogdown posts and I rolled up the following solution.

blogdown_content_path <- here::here("content")

# Scan yaml of all posts (run at root of blogdown project)
blogdown:::scan_yaml(blogdown_content_path) %>%
  # Pull out the tags
  map("tags") %>%
  # Drop results without any tags
  discard(is.null) %>%
  # Turn into a nice tibble (can stop here if you want tags + files)
  map_df(~ tibble::data_frame(tag = .), .id = "file") %>%
  # Summarize (group and count)
  group_by(tag) %>%
  count(sort = TRUE) %>%
  # Starts with uppercase?
  mutate(starts_upper = substr(tag, 1, 1) %in% LETTERS)

## # A tibble: 50 x 3
## # Groups:   tag [50]
##    tag               n starts_upper
##    <chr>         <int> <lgl>
##  1 R                19 TRUE
##  2 Data Analysis     6 TRUE
##  3 Markdown          6 TRUE
##  4 Research          6 TRUE
##  5 Visualization     6 TRUE
##  6 R Package         5 TRUE
##  7 Scripts           5 TRUE
##  8 pandoc            4 FALSE
##  9 ggplot2           3 FALSE
## 10 INFORMS           3 TRUE
## # ... with 40 more rows

Note that you can stop at the map_df() line and get a list of tags with the associated files in which they appear.

At this point, I decided I’d write this quick post to remind future me when I decide to actually standardize my tags. That’s when I realized that the “New Post” addin in blogdown lists all of the previously used tags. A little digging in the addin script (inst/scripts/new_post.R) revealed the function behind the dropdown menu.

blogdown:::collect_yaml(dir = blogdown_content_path)

## $categories
## [1] "Blog"    "Music"   "Photos"  "Project"
## $tags
##  [1] "Academia"                "Addin"
##  [3] "Ambient Assisted Living" "Ambient Intelligence"
##  [5] "Apps"                    "blogdown"
##  [7] "Data Analysis"           "Differential Equations"
##  [9] "Dynamic Systems"         "emoji"
## [11] "Gadget"                  "Gerontechnology"
## [13] "ggplot2"                 "git"
## [15] "Google Trends"           "Gun Control"
## [17] "Healthcare"              "IIE"
## [19] "INFORMS"                 "Interesting Articles"
## [21] "ISERC"                   "LaTeX"
## [23] "Markdown"                "Math"
## [25] "MySQL"                   "Note to Self"
## [27] "pandoc"                  "Personal Data"
## [29] "Predictive Analytics"    "Presentation"
## [31] "Productivity"            "Quotes"
## [33] "R"                       "R Markdown"
## [35] "R Package"               "Research"
## [37] "RStudio"                 "Scripts"
## [39] "Shiny"                   "Smart Home"
## [41] "SQL"                     "Status"
## [43] "Test Theory"             "Tips"
## [45] "Tricks"                  "Tutorials"
## [47] "Visualization"           "Workflow"
## [49] "Writing"                 "xaringan"

Finally, when you want to open the files containing a particular tag, you can use blogdown’s find_tags() function with the option open = TRUE.

blogdown::find_tags("Note to Self", open = TRUE)